Please welcome Charles Padgett to the VaHGA! Here is a brief bio about Charles:
I play at The Highlands Golf Club near Franklin, WV. It’s an hours drive from my home in Augusta County though my mailing address is through the Bridgewater PO.
I used a hickory handmade putter from St. Andrews I had purchased at the course in ’77. But it’s been only since late summer I’ve started to build up a hickory set. Come this summer I plan to alternate play with the hickories one round and follow the next with my modern Persimmon clubs (accompanied by one of my many 8802 style putter and the Hogan Magnum irons from ’86). I’m getting close to my end days with golf and relish the idea of finishing up in the manner of the beginning of play in ’70. Some still used hickory in the year of my birth (’38) so I have a slight emotional link to what remained of the hickory era. I’m a Jones-Vardon library nut as well.I’ve been in the Valley since retiring from the Arlington County Schools in ’93. GW graduate in ’61, fours years Southern Conference (then) Colonial baseball.
Please welcome Charles to the ranks. his email address is for anyone who wants to hunt him down for a round.